Wednesday, February 13, 2008

some chairs

from last week


Fénix - Bostonscapes 4:13 AM  

Hello Belgrade! Are you enjoying sunny weather out there? I hope so. And I wish I could say the same...

I don't know if you celebrate it, but if you do, then a happy Valentine's Day to you. :)

~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~

Cheltenhamdailyphoto 12:43 PM  

In the portal at City Daily Photo, the red looks like a heart. Very apt for today's Valentine's Day!

Anonymous 8:46 PM  

Nice chairs!

Hey, isn't that the little "kiosk cluster" in Gospodara Jovanova? There's a good grill there, I seem to remember!

Chuck Pefley 9:18 PM  

This photo has the look of a Valentine heart as well ... abstract, but that's what I see. In the small thumbnail it looks like a red heart with streamers flowing. Very Nice!!

Belgrade Daily Photo 2:57 PM  

Markowe: I know what you mean, but no, actually this is next to Pioneer Stadium.

Aleks 1:28 AM  

If I may say so,it is breathing pure poetry,playfull as it is,game of light with shadows,seduction of collors and lines(pardon my English,have to use it more often).Im realy glad that I descover your world of lightly moments.Thanks from Nederland and HAPPY NEW YEAR - The Photoblogging ResourceView My Profilecoolphotoblogs.commy profileVFXY PhotosAdd to Technorati Favoritesphotoblog-community Photography Art Blogs - Blog Catalog Blog Directory

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